Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, May 7th, 2012

The Road to Revolution and the War for Independence!

Today our agenda was:

  • We reviewed the lesson from Friday - the three big problems left over from the French and Indian War - from the perspective of the British Empire and its relationship with their American colonies.
  • Mr. M explained the situation in the colonies just after the French and Indian War - using his wonderful diagram Mr. M spoke about Benign Neglect, the Colonial Assemblies, how and where taxes were paid, the importance of trade revenue between Britain and the Colonies, and how the British were now going to attempt to change the "rules" on how they administered the colonies. 
  • Build up to the big event - the Stamp Act. Watched part of the Liberty Series by PBS - specifically the part on the Stamp Act:
    • Pointed out how Parliament bypasses the Colonial Assemblies and later ignores their petitions.
    • How this is a change, a shift in how things have been done in America - first big change ever! First direct tax ever.
    • Contrasted emotions in Britain compared to those in the Colonies - discussed the Colonial response to the Stamp Act.
    • After the repeal - point out that Britain and America can be "friends' again - but not everyone is happy (Sons of Liberty).

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