Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why Was There An American Revolution?

Using the link to the right (right column) please read the following sections and see if you can answer the revolutionary questions. Copy these onto a word document and let's discuss tomorrow. Give it the title - Why Was There An American Revolution?

*Why do Historians say the American Revolution was the first "modern revolution"?
*How did the revolution touch off an "Age of Revolution"? cite examples
*Take a moment and explain the three fundamentals that the Americans were fighting for.

Why should we care about the American Revolution?

*Until Mel Gibson's Patriot (2000) Why have movies pertaining to the American Revolution struggled in the past?
What four issues of enduring interest are raised in this war?

Why did the American Revolution take place?

Over the course of time, the American colonies began to have a different look and feel about them compared to the home country of Britain. There were common characteristics shared by the colonies that separated them from Britain. In your own words list and share an explanation of what these were.

See you Tuesday - we will see how well you did.

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